• Removes Dark Shading and Staining Completely

  • Safer, More Effective than Pressure Washing

  • Perfect for Stucco and Synthetic Stucco

  • Disinfects & Sanitizes

  • 100% Kill Ratio on Mold, Mildew & Bacteria

The dark shading and staining of roofs, walls, and exterior surfaces in central California is generally due to the cyanobacteria gloeocapsa magma. Many times, exterior building surfaces are virtually free of all dirt and grime, but the presence of the dark bacteria is clearly evident. Typical cleaning procedures use power washers to remove the visible stains and dirt. While valuable for some applications, pressure washing itself does not kill the spores and can be very destructive to many of the most common exterior coatings in use today, including stucco and synthetic stucco such as EIFS and Dryvit.

Pacific Roof Cleaning provides an alternative to using high pressure on delicate exterior surfaces. Our ‘Soft Wash’ process quickly and effectively removes bacteria, algae, dirt, even insects and spider webs. It not only cleans but disinfects and sanitizes as well. Our proprietary blend of cleaning agents is custom blended for each application to provide the safest and most effective results. It is applied at low pressure and then gently rinsed away.

Our cleaning process is less invasive to business and commercial properties. Beautiful results are achieved much quicker than using high-pressure methods. The results last far longer as we eradicate the source of the problem with a 100% kill ratio on mold, mildew & bacteria. As far as the final product, our customers are generally unanimous in saying: “Amazing, it looks just like new." Wondering if we can help you? Contact us now and let us provide a free demonstration of the results you can expect on your project.

We Clean: Shopping Malls, Hospitals, Commercial and Municipal Sites, Elderly Care Facilities, Schools, Office Buildings, Signs, Windows, Gutters & Awnings, Playground Equipment, Commercial Glass, atriums and Skylights, Solar Panels and More...

Safe and Environment-Friendly.
Schedule a Test Cleaning Session with Us. It's Free!